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Recherché Recommends: Films

Wether it's the end of the day and you're settled in your sheets before bed, or it's the weekend and you've decided to put off your stressful workload from the week for now and have some comfort food on the sofa, the perfect pairing to wind down a hectic day is to turn on a flick and tune out from real life.

And while there are thousands (near millions) of films to choose from, we've selected 5 titles that the word 'movie' just doesn't do justice. From the cinematography, actors, and storylines, these cinematic art forms are sure to take you away from the harsh stress filled reality, even if it's just for an hour or two.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

This is one of those movies that is not only entertaining but is almost surreal to watch thanks to the amazing cinematography and color scheme. One of famed Wes Anderson's newer films, 'The Grand Budapest Hotel' became a hit in 2014 due to its shockingly beautiful colors and Anderson's signature cult film-like direction and graphics. While it's amazing to watch visually, the interesting story of a legendary and charming concierge's life while working at the hotel is both humorous and emotional. The charming and beautiful way the movie was filmed and edited doesn't take away from the key themes and issues that Wes Anderson wished to address with the movie. When you watch this movie, you'll laugh, cry, stare in awe at the cinematic expression and creativity and will definitely have a lingering feeling of something difficult to understand unless you've not only watched, but experienced 'The Grand Budapest Hotel'.

Midnight in Paris

Following our Wes Anderson recommendation, we suggest another great filmmaker's work of art; Woody Allen's 'Midnight in Paris'. 21st century writer Will Pender is an old soul born in the wrong time, an American longing to go back to Paris in the 20s. His wish is granted when he mysteriously finds a way to travel back in time to that very era and meet his literary idols and drink and party with legendary artists and singers before he goes back to his unsatisfactory present-day life again. 'Midnight in Paris' is another movie that tugs on your heartstrings while taking your breath away with every shot. Paris looks even more gorgeous than usual through Woody Allen's direction and cinematography. This movie is definitely for those in love with Paris, in love with beautifully shot movies, or connects with the character's longing to go into a different age and escape.

Léon: The Professional

Our next choice is a bit of an older film but nonetheless a recognized masterpiece. Starring French actor Jean Reno and a very young Natalie Portman, the story follows the life of a lone hitman and his neighbour, a 12 year old girl with many domestic issues. After circumstances cause the girl, Mathilda, to be abruptly orphaned, Leon takes her in and begins to teach her the basics of being a professional assassin. The movie is darkly humorous with an overall raw, unfiltered and emotional tone. The relationship portrayed between a seemingly emotionless gunman and an expressive young girl is witty and wonderfully executed in this film. Even after 20 years, this movie is definitely worth the watch and a must see for future years to come.


Director John Carney has been busy with his music-themed films, releasing the high-profile 'Begin Again' and then recently a more indie-style film, 'Sing Street'. While Carney's proven his skills with every work he's released, we still love and will never forget his first creation, 'Once'. Taking place in Carney's home-ground, this Ireland-based movie paved the way for this genre of anti-Broadway music themed films. The key to Carney's films have always been subtlety. No huge computer graphics or loud bass or autotunes, just the singers and actors who are a part of the project performing with a camera rolling. The quiet undertones of the character's shyness and budding romance is expressed through beautifully composed songs ('Falling Slowly' will forever be a favourite) and muted colors and natural acting. If you've never experienced Carney's films, we say watch 'Once' and then move onto his newer works. But chances are, you'll be back to listen to Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová's magical voices and Carney's artful direction.

Ruby Sparks

We've all wished for fictional characters to come to life and be our friends, lovers, brothers, sisters, you name it, at least once while watching a movie or reading a good book. This is what happens to writer Calvin when he imagines and writes up his ideal woman to life, named Ruby Sparks. The cute and humorous way the actors portray the situation and how everything is dealt with in emotional situations is expressed effortlessly and takes you right into the movie. When Calvin is happy, you find yourself smiling and laughing with him, when he's sad, you'll catch yourself tearing up. 'Ruby Sparks', while providing laughs and a look into a happy and seemingly perfect relationship, also gives a harsh look into how imperfect our realities actually are and how we have to make the most of what we have and are given.

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